A 3 Step Process for Collecting Condominium & HOA Assessments in Illinois Assessment payments are the lifeblood for a community…
How to Resolve the 5 Most Common Violations of Illinois Condo Bylaws Each condominium association has governing documents which set…
765 ILCS 605/22.2: Illinois Condo Act Amended to Prohibit Discrimination in Exercising a Right of First Refusal A new year…
Effectively Using Fines to Enforce Illinois Condo & HOA Bylaws Enforcing the governing documents plays a key role in successfully…
Illinois Appellate Court Holds that Condominium Association Entitled to Collect All Unpaid Assessments from Foreclosure Purchaser Assessments are the lifeblood…
Understanding Owner Restrictions on Limited Common Elements: Key Legal Guidance for Illinois Community Associations In some community associations, a unit…
Political Signs in Community Associations: Balancing Free Speech and Bylaws As election day nears, it is common for owners in…
Illinois Court Rules that Unit Owner Lacked Standing to Bring Construction Defect Claims Against Condo Developer Construction defects are a…
765 ILCS 605/18.4: What Illinois Condominium Board Members Need to Know Before Adopting Rules & Regulations Rules and regulations are…
765 ILCS/27: How to Amend an Illinois Condominium Declaration? Given the ever-changing nature of the Illinois Condominium Property Act (the…