Short Term Rentals

Illinois Court Rules Condominium Declaration and Zoning Ordinance Prohibiting Short-Term Rentals Are Enforceable

Illinois Court Rules Condominium Declaration and Zoning Ordinance Prohibiting Short-Term Rentals Are Enforceable In the past few years, there has…

2 weeks ago

What You Need to Know About Short-Term Rentals in Illinois Condominiums

Illinois condominium associations have been forced to deal with an increase in short-term rentals over the past 10 years with…

3 years ago

The Impact of Short-Term Rentals on Condominium and Homeowner Associations: To Airbnb or Not to Airbnb?

Many condominium bylaws restrict or otherwise regulate a co-owner’s ability to lease the co-owner’s condominium unit. These restrictions are sometimes…

9 years ago