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Board of Directors

What your Illinois Homeowners Association needs to know about Architectural Control Requirements Most condominium declarations will limit the ability of a unit owner’ ability to make changes to any structure, improvement, or any of the limited or general common elements within a condominium or common interest

Guidelines for Preparing Your Association Budget Preparing an annual budget is essential for the financial stability of community associations. However, not all associations know how to effectively create an association budget. To help you with this task, here are some guidelines that will make preparing your budget

Illinois Court Rules in Favor of Association in Eviction Action Even Though Board was Not Properly Elected   Recently, the First District Court of Appeals discussed a situation where a unit owner claimed that an eviction action filed by her condominium association was not proper because the

Over the past decade, the popularity of living in a common interest community, particularly condominium and homeowners associations, has risen significantly. According to recent statistics provided by Community Associations Institute, there are over 340,000 community associations, over 26 million housing units, and over 68 million


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