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A 3 Step Process for Collecting Condominium & HOA Assessments in Illinois Assessment payments are the lifeblood for a community association as these payments are generally the sole source of income for most community associations. The income received from assessment payments is used to fund association

Illinois Court Rules in Favor of Association in Eviction Action Even Though Board was Not Properly Elected   Recently, the First District Court of Appeals discussed a situation where a unit owner claimed that an eviction action filed by her condominium association was not proper because the

Illinois Court Rules HOA Cannot Collect Assessments that were Improperly Levied  One of the responsibilities of a board of directors or a board of managers in any homeowner’s association is to set the amount of regular assessments for the members.  This is typically done by way

As Illinois’ First District Appellate Court recently stated, “[c]ondominiums are creatures of statute and, thus, any action taken on behalf of the condominium must be authorized by statute.” Glazer v. Priv. Residences at Ontario Place Condo. Ass'n2022 IL App (1st) 210156, ¶ 22. Along those

Assessments (or dues) provide the lifeblood for condominium associations so that they can provide necessary services to the unit owners within the association, including the maintenance of common areas such as roads, sidewalks, parking areas, utilities, and elevators. In most condominium associations, the only source


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