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HomeIllinois Condominium Attorney

Illinois Condominium Attorney

765 ILCS 605/22.2: Illinois Condo Act Amended to Prohibit Discrimination in Exercising a Right of First Refusal A new year will bring changes to the Illinois Condominium Property Act. On July 19, 2024, the Illinois state legislature enacted IL HB5502 which amends both the Illinois Conveyances

765 ILCS 160/1-40: What Every Homeowners Association Needs to Know About Owner Meetings Community associations play a crucial role in managing community living, ensuring that shared spaces are maintained and that residents abide by community rules. Effective governance hinges on active participation from homeowners, particularly during

Unlocking Success: Using Legal Representation Over Collection Agencies for Delinquent Condominium Assessments  Community associations play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of shared living spaces. However, when faced with delinquent condominium assessments, these associations often encounter significant challenges in recovering the owed amounts.

Court Rules that Restrictive Covenant Banning Sex Offenders is Enforceable Can your HOA’s restrictive covenants or condominium documents ban sex offenders? The ability to ban sex offenders from homeowners associations has become a controversial issue in recent years.  Until recently, many attorneys across the country believed

Illinois Court Rules HOA Cannot Collect Assessments that were Improperly Levied  One of the responsibilities of a board of directors or a board of managers in any homeowner’s association is to set the amount of regular assessments for the members.  This is typically done by way


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