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HomeCondominium Document Enforcement (Page 2)

Condominium Document Enforcement

Political Signs in Community Associations: Balancing Free Speech and Bylaws As election day nears, it is common for owners in a community association to begin displaying political signs. For unit owners, the erection of a political sign can be seen as an invocation of their freedom

765 ILCS 605/18.12: What Every Condominium Association Needs to Know About the New Accessible Parking Requirements Under the Illinois Condominium Property Act The Illinois General Assembly recently amended 765 ILCS 605/18 by adding Section 18.12 which requires all condominiums with parking to implement policies for accessible

4 Step Process to Enforcing Condominium Bylaws Enforcing condominium bylaws is essential for maintaining the harmony and integrity of a community. At Hirzel Law, we understand the complexities involved in this process and offer a straightforward four-step approach to ensure compliance and resolve conflicts effectively. Here’s

765 ILCS 605/18.6 & 765 ILCS 160/1-70:  A guide to displaying an American or Military flag in an Illinois Community Association Can your HOA’s restrictive covenants or condominium documents ban flags? The ability to ban flags in community associations has become controversial in recent years.  In

Court Rules that Restrictive Covenant Banning Sex Offenders is Enforceable Can your HOA’s restrictive covenants or condominium documents ban sex offenders? The ability to ban sex offenders from homeowners associations has become a controversial issue in recent years.  Until recently, many attorneys across the country believed

What your Illinois Homeowners Association needs to know about Architectural Control Requirements Most condominium declarations will limit the ability of a unit owner’ ability to make changes to any structure, improvement, or any of the limited or general common elements within a condominium or common interest


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