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HomeIllinois Condominium Property Act

Illinois Condominium Property Act

A 3 Step Process for Collecting Condominium & HOA Assessments in Illinois Assessment payments are the lifeblood for a community association as these payments are generally the sole source of income for most community associations. The income received from assessment payments is used to fund association

How to Resolve the 5 Most Common Violations of Illinois Condo Bylaws Each condominium association has governing documents which set forth the contractual relationship between the association and the unit owners. One of those governing documents is the condominium bylaws. A condo association’s board of directors

765 ILCS 605/22.2: Illinois Condo Act Amended to Prohibit Discrimination in Exercising a Right of First Refusal A new year will bring changes to the Illinois Condominium Property Act. On July 19, 2024, the Illinois state legislature enacted IL HB5502 which amends both the Illinois Conveyances

Effectively Using Fines to Enforce Illinois Condo & HOA Bylaws Enforcing the governing documents plays a key role in successfully operating a community association. Unruly behavior by a unit owner can lead to unhappy neighbors and a potential decrease in property values. Therefore, it is imperative

Illinois Appellate Court Holds that Condominium Association Entitled to Collect All Unpaid Assessments from Foreclosure Purchaser Assessments are the lifeblood of a condominium association. Thus, when a unit owner becomes delinquent on their assessments, it is imperative that the community association act swiftly (and legally) to

Understanding Owner Restrictions on Limited Common Elements: Key Legal Guidance for Illinois Community Associations In some community associations, a unit owner may wonder whether they can modify a limited common element which the unit owner exclusively uses. An Illinois appellate court has provided an answer to


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